Friday, 11 December 2009

The Traditionalist In Me...

I have different beliefs to a lot of females i know in my generation and contrary to what the ''New Age'' would have you believe, my stand remains: MEN AND WOMEN ARE NOT EQUAL.  Though they may have equal roles in today's world, this does not make them equal. This issue has somewhat become a taboo subject and before you women start hurling stones at me, hear me out.

As we all know by nature's default, there are so many characteristics that make the two sexes different so i won't turn this into a lecture by going into that. If we go back in history, we'll see that the woman was simply an object with no opinions and could be inherited. Now that is one extreme i completely disagree with and though woman was made for man as a helper and complementary being in my opinion, i am in no way implying women should be used as foot mats.

With that said, being a traditional woman is related more to my beliefs than lifestyle as i have a career and though i am independent, it does not distract me from believing that men and women though different should be complementary. I believe a mother's place is beside her children and that the family structure is extremely important for the children's wellbeing and for society. This does not mean a woman should automatically be a housewife who slaves all day but a certain balance should be struck that is if marital finances permit. Put simply, a traditional woman to me loves her children and family more than she loves her career and status, and is often gently nurturing and self-sacrificing but not always necessarily submissive. (I am submissive but not stupid).

I enjoy catering for my man. Note the word 'enjoy'. I enjoy cooking and though I'd rather the house help do the cleaning, i don't mind it at all (stems from my OCD habits), i am usually the nurse and tend to fuss over my man when he is indisposed . Lots of women would prefer a man who cooks and all that and yes, it's nice to have a man who can surprise me with a gourmet meal but I'd rather not, please. Surprise me with diamonds or a meal at a 7 star restaurant instead. My department, my control, my zone. *Ouch! Just felt some stones thrown at me.*

Think what you like and just so you know, my 'traditional beliefs' do not encompass my total being . I'm a fucking freak in the bedroom ;-)